Top OSU stories of 2018

By Theresa Hogue on Dec. 19, 2018

whale license

In 2018, writers in Oregon State University’s News and Research Communications and OSU Extension and Experiment Station Communications wrote more than 425 press releases.

Popular topics ranged from yellowjackets to the once-secret life of an Oregon State business professor to a whale tail license plate.

Here are the 10 most viewed press releases of 2018 from the Oregon State newsroom website:

  1. Drought driving more yellowjackets into backyards this year (8-6-18)

    2.Research finds quakes can systematically trigger other ones on opposite side of Earth (8-1-18)

    3.OSU business professor behind popular ‘Lord Birthday’ cartoons publishes first book (3-6-18)

    4.OSU celebrates 149th commencement with record number of graduates (6-11-18)

    5.Alumnus’ generosity to transform veterinary college at Oregon State (1-17-18)

    6.How people cope with difficult life events fuels development of wisdom, study finds (2-20-18)

    7.Oregon State University President Ed Ray announces new names for three buildings (7-30-18)

    8.Researchers closer to gonorrhea vaccine after exhaustive analysis of proteins (11-7-18)

    9.Oregon’s new gray whale license plate closer to reality after 3,000th voucher sold (4-19-18)

   10.Oregon State to host robotics and artificial intelligence symposium (9-10-18)


whale license